Selected podcasts, interviews, and book reviews.


The Limits to Yoga: Why practice doesn’t automatically change us, or the world.” Ancient Futures (August 2, 2023)

“Grounded Hope in Authoritarian Times.” J. Brown Yoga Talks (Sept. 7, 2020)

“Yoga Conversations Past & Present.” Intelligent Edge Yoga (Sept. 23, 2018)

“The Unraveling of the American Left.” Hacking the Self (July 23, 2018)

“Yoga and (Anti-) Social Media.” The Connected Yoga Teacher (Feb. 12, 2018)

“Yoga for PTSD & Veterans.” Women Seeking Wellness with Dr. Stephanie Maj (Feb. 7, 2017)

“Carol Horton – ‘Yoga Ph.D.’ – Writer, Educator, Activist, Yoga Service Council, 21st Century Yoga.” J. Brown Yoga Talks (April 11, 2016)

“Yoga, Mindfulness, and Social Justice.” Present Moment: Mindfulness Practice & Science podcast (July 26, 2015)

“A Discussion of Yoga, Politics, and Body Image” (with Dianne Bondy). Yoga & Body Image Coalition (June 12, 2015)

“Medicine for the Mind: Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation.” Priya Menon, Cure Talk Radio (Jan. 27, 2015)

“Expanding Mind: Yoga Ph.D.” Erik Davis, Progressive Radio Network (June 2, 2013)

Features & Interviews

“New Directions for Yoga?” Ivan Nahem, Yoga Teacher Magazine (May 21, 2014)

“An Illumined Life.” Illumine Chicago (Spring 2014)

“Celebrating the Rise and Reign of Women in Yoga.”Jill Carey, Yoga Chicago (March/April 2014)

“Stretching to Bliss: The Birth of Yoga in America.” Marc Levitt, Action Speaks, live as AS220 and broadcast via NPR stations (Oct. 24, 2013)

“Carol Horton: Yoga Ph.D.and Tara Brach: Spiritual Awakening.”Jessica Durivage Kerridge, Host, Where is My Guru Blog Talk Radio (Jan. 25, 2013)

“Yoga for the Mind.” Sarah Terez-Rosenblum, Chicago Sun-Times(Jan. 22, 2013)

“Yoga in America in the 21st Century.” All Sides with Ann Fisher, WOSU 89.7 FM National Public Radio News, Columbus, Ohio (July 11, 2012)

Book Reviews

“Review: Carol A. Horton, Race and the Making of American Liberalism.” Rogers M. Smith, Law and History Review 26, no. 2 (Summer 2008), 465-467

“Review: Carol A. Horton, Race and the Making of American Liberalism.” Robert C. Lieberman, Journal of Politics 69, no. 3 (Aug. 2007), 885-886

“Studies in American Political Development: An Interim Report.” Rogers M. Smith, Perspectives on Politics 5, no. 2 (June 2007), 325-333

"A House Divided: Race, Class, and the Dilemma of American Liberalism." Larry G. Gerber, Reviews in American History 34 no. 3, (Sept. 2006), 372-378

“Yoga Ph.D.: Integrating the Life of the Mind and the Wisdom of the Body.”Sharon Steffensen, Yoga Chicago (July/August 2013)

“Yoga Ph.D.: Integrating the Life of the Mind and the Wisdom of the Body.” Elizabeth Emer, Yoga International (Summer 2013)

“Yoga Ph.D.: Integrating the Life of the Mind and the Wisdom of the Body.” Danielle Prohom Olson, Body Divine Yoga (March 18, 2013)

“Yoga Im 21. Jahrhundert.” Verena Kling, Yoga Journal (Germany) (Jan. 2013)

“21st Century Yoga: Culture, Politics, and Practice.” Ira Israel, LA Yoga (Dec. 2012-Jan. 2013)

“21st Century Yoga: Culture, Politics, and Practice.” Yoga Chicago (Nov./Dec. 2012)