Selected articles curated to illustrate the range of my work and interests.
Politics & Policy
“What’s Woke? Part I: From Progressive Liberalism to Post-Liberal Progressivism,” Liberal Confessions (June 20, 2022)
“Exploring the Benefit of Yoga in Carceral Settings” (with Danielle Rousseau). International Journal of Yoga Therapy (March 28, 2020)
“Jordan Peterson and the Failure of the Left,” Quillette (May 22, 2018)
“Core Themes of Liberalism: Individualism,” in Timothy Garton Ash, ed., Liberalisms in East and West (Oxford University Press, 2010)
“Evaluating Early Care and Education Programs: A Report for Pew Charitable Trusts,” Pew Charitable Trusts (Philadelphia, 2006)
Review of Bruce Baum, The Rise and Fall of the Caucasian Race: A Political History of Racial Identity (NYU Press, 2006); American Historical Review 112, No. 3 (June 2007), 814.
“Early Care and Education Programs and the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect,” Center for the Study of Social Policy (Washington, DC: 2003)
“Liberal Equality & the Civic Subject: Identity & Citizenship in Reconstruction America,”in David Ericson & Louisa Green, eds., The Liberal Tradition in American Politics: Reassessing the Legacy of American Liberalism (Routledge, 1999).
Spirituality & Culture
“Driving the Enchanted Highway: Transcendent art meets roadside attraction in rural North Dakota,” Re/Generate (Sept. 20, 2023)
“Tapping into a Deeper Trust: Sacred Waters Still Flow (even from humble spigots),” Re/Generate (July 3, 2023)
“Yoga is Not Dodgeball: Mind-Body Integration and Progressive Education,” in Beth Berila, Melanie Klein, and Chelsea Jackson Roberts, Yoga, the Body, and Embodied Social Change: An Intersectional Feminist Analysis (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016)
“Reimagining Yoga: Holistic Wellness, Social Connection, & Spiritual Revitalization (Part 1),” Yoga International (Sept. 30, 2016)
“Yoga Service Comes of Age: The Fourth Annual Yoga Service Conference,” Yoga Chicago (July/August 2015)
“The Bikram Rape Charges: The Power of Speech and the Costs of Silence,” YogaDork (March 3, 2014)
“Trauma-Informed Yoga: YogaHOPE and a New Strategy for Change.”Yoga U Online (Feb. 20, 2014)
“Gritty Inspiration: Chicago Welcomes the Prison Yoga Project,” Yoga Chicago (July/August 2013)
“Yoga on Trial: Encinitas & the Need for a New Paradigm,” Yoga U Online (June 1, 2013)